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Water Rates and Fees

Water consumption is billed in units of 100 cubic feet (CCF) with 1 CCF equal to 748 gallons calculated using the following rates:

               In district water charge,  $7.61 per CCF

               Out of district water charge, $10.52 per CCF

Monthly meter charges by size are shown below.  A comprehensive list of all district fees effective June 27, 2024 can be found in the following link.

Current District Schedule of Rates.pdf
Rate Code Rate Description Monthly
 Service Charge
W11 5/8x3/4" Meter $21.14
W21 1" Meter $35.94
W31 1 1/2" Meter $59.01
W41 2" Meter $90.38
W51 3" Meter $196.57
W61 4" Meter $297.19
W71 6" Meter $545.79
F21 2" Fire Meter $31.45
F41 4" Fire Meter $85.29
F61 6" Fire Meter $164.47
F81 8" Fire Meter $259.49
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