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Public Records Request

For details about Public Information Requests or to make a Public Information Request click here.

The following describes the fees charged to reimburse the district for the actual cost of making public records available, including costs for summarizing, compiling or tailoring the public records within organization or media, to meet the person's request.

Staff time includes, researching, locating, compiling, editing or otherwise processing information and records and will be charged at $50.00 per hour.

There is no charge for the first 15 minutes of staff time. Beginning with the 16th minute, the charge per total request is a minimum of $50.00 per hour or $12.50 per quarter-hour. A prorated fee is not available for less than a quarter-hour.

Attorney and other applicable legal fees required for preparation or review of records, redacting material from the public records or segregating the public records into exempt and nonexempt records will be billed at the actual hourly rate plus fees charged to the district for public records request-related services.

Standard copy fees

8.5 x 11 per side - $0.25

8.5 x 14 per side - $0.25

11 x 17 per side - $0.50

Nonstandard - Actual cost

Certified Copies - $5.00 each

Audio Tapes - $10.00 per tape

CD or DVD - $10.00 per disk

 To submit a  public records request online, please complete the following fields and click "submit". District staff will respond back to you within five business days.

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