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Call Before You Dig

Do you need to have the location of your underground utilities marked?

The Oregon Utility Notification Center handles the dispatch of locate requests for The District.  

Please make your request by calling their phone number 1-800-332-2344 (or 811), 
or click  here  to be redirected to their website to enter your request on-line. 

West Slope personnell will be dispatched by Oregon Utility Notification Center to mark the West Slope Water lines on your property.  Personnell from your other utility providers will also be called out to mark the location of their underground services.

Request a Locate 

Do you need to have the location of your underground utilities marked?

The Oregon Utility Notification Center handles the dispatch of locate requests for The District.  

Please make your request by calling their phone number 1-800-332-2344 (or 811),
or click  here  to be redirected to their website to enter your request on-line. 

West Slope personnell will be dispatched by Oregon Utility Notification Center to mark the West Slope Water lines on your property.  Personnell from your other utility providers will also be called out to mark the location of their underground services. 

Do I really Need to Call? 

Click here for a link to the Oregon Utility Notification Center website for explanations of when and why a locate is needed.

How 811 Works 

Click here for a link to the Oregon Utiltiy Notification Center website for an explanation of how the centralized 811 locate request system works.

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